We want you to feel comfortable

with Dean Trotter and

staff before you commit to a procedure.

For this reason, we consider consultations with you to be essential in developing the best treatment plan possible. As a new patient, you will be assessed thoroughly by your treating practitioner before any surgery or treatment is scheduled.

At least one consultation with Dean is essential, but two or even more might be necessary to fully prepare, understand your treatment options, and allow you to make the right informed decisions for yourself.

Post-Operative Instructions

Post Operative Instructions Following Excision of Lesions

Dean has performed an excision of a lesion/s today. Your wound has been closed using a suture, that is either dissolvable or that will need to be removed in 5 to 10 days. He will let you know what he/she has used. A dressing has been applied and should be left intact for as long as possible. You may shower normally keeping the dressing intact and pat dry or air dry. If bleeding occurs though the dressing, apply some pressure to the area until the bleeding subsides. You may reinforce the dressing with more tape. Leave dressing intact until your post-operative appointment. If you experience any discomfort in the short term, after the local anaesthetic has worn off, Panadol is usually sufficient, and take antibiotics if prescribed. You should refrain from heavy lifting or exercise on the day of the procedure but may resume exercise and work the following day. If the lesion has been removed from your lower body we recommend that you elevate the area as much as possible for the first two to three days. If there are any signs of excessive bleeding, pain and tenderness over the next few days please contact our rooms on 9828 1300.

Post Operative Instructions Following Biopsies and Shaves

Dean has performed a biopsy or shave of your skin today. These small areas may bleed for up to four to eight hours. A dressing has been applied and can be showered off the next day, and micropore tape reapplied. This is the tape given to you on the day of the procedure. For subsequent showers, keep the micropore tape intact and pat dry or air dry. If bleeding occurs through the dressing, simply reinforce the dressing with more tape and leave until it falls away. It is important to keep tape on the wounds so that they can heal slightly moist and usually you should expect full healing within 10 days. If there are any signs of excessive redness, pain and tenderness over the next few days please call our rooms on 9828 1300.

In the first appointment, Dean will discuss your objectives and outline the treatment alternatives. He will then work with you to determine the best course of action to meet your particular needs. Fully understanding your options and choices is essential to ensure a good outcome.
Dean will offer you second consultation, where you will discuss any further questions or concerns that you may have, and prepare you fully for your procedure.
The fee for a new consultation is $220 (pensioner rate available).  There is a medicare rebate available if you have a valid referral from your GP or specialist.  The fee applies for all new consultations, even if you decide not to proceed with treatment.
Post Surgery
Post surgery, Dean will will be review you regularly  assisted by his office nursing staff.  Dean’s consulting room nurses are available to review wounds or change dressings in the office, and they are also happy to answer any post-operative queries or concerns over the phone.
Dean feels that it is essential for you, the patient, to be fully informed at all times. It is in your own interest that you understand and feel comfortable with your decisions about treatment, and that your expectations are realistic. If there is any aspect of your procedure that you do not understand it is important that you let us know.
Your Responsibility
As a patient, you must inform us of your past medical history, and of any personal issues which are relevant to your decision to consider surgery, or which might affect your surgical outcome.
Surgical results are better for people who take good care of themselves. Your best result is assisted by eating well, exercising, using sun protection and not smoking.
Finally, whilst we will always do our very best to advise you, there are some conditions which cannot be helped by surgery.